The driving motive for transporting those slaves to the New
Colonies (USA) was pure greed. In 1855 Mr. W. R. van Hoëvell wrote in his book Slaves and Freed Persons under the Dutch Law: “Each house in Amsterdam is like
a palace – but the treasures that build these houses are for the greater part
the result of squeezing life, sweat and blood out of whipped and beaten slaves.”
Professor Piet Emmer made it his mission to downplay the
historic profits of the Dutch slave trading by juggling the numbers. He fails
to understand that the numbers are not important; it’s the attitude and lack of
conscience that makes it all so obnoxious.
The Dutch tradesmen got the lowest purchase price by enlisting
African Ashanti slave traders to raid whole villages to meet the demands of the
US. Ships were stocked to the maximum in order to compensate for the “loss of
cargo” percentage during the voyage.
Food was also calculated as a business cost in order to
transport as many “goods” as possible for the lowest possible costs. Once
arriving in the US, the “heads” were sold as cattle and put to work on the
plantations – whipped, abused and suppressed by their “owners” and local
authorities. There was only one goal: making as much profit as possible by
producing sugar, coffee, cotton, and indigo for the lowest cost.
The reason that the main Dutch trading companies (the West-India Company and the Middelburg Commerce Company) decided that slave trade was not
profitable anymore does not make them any less inhuman.
Abolition of slavery was not inspired at all by decency or
morality, but solely by the fact that it just was not financially viable
anymore. It was therefore a pure business decision and nothing else.
This makes remembering the slave trade even more horrific. The
last thing we need is another “Holocaust denial” movement to gloss over the
horrific acts our ancestors conducted towards African slaves.
ANP. 2002: three statues in the Scheepvaartmuseum in Amsterdam, part of
the exposition 'Slaves and Ships – One way trip, destination unknown'.)
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